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VOA Music Mix

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Wer hört eigentlich noch dieses Programm und was haltet Ihr davon?

(VOA Music Mix is a 24-hour, 7 day a week, satellite music network for international broadcasters. This unique music service presents the best of American and international music along with news and information. The new network features a blend of what's "hot" on the music scene and reflects America today through music. Every hour we play Hot A/C, Rock/Alternative, Urban, Pop, Country, Dance, and some heavy Metal. Other forms of music, such as Jazz, Folk, Blues, and other specialty programs will be featured on the weekends.
The music service programs will include information about the artists, music news, and lifestyle reports...
The network will feature hour-long specials, highlighting a wide variety of music: Ray Freeman's "American Gold," Katherine Cole's "Roots & Branches," Mary Morningstar's "Country Hits USA," Ray McDonald's "Top 20 Countdown," and Ed Kowalski/Margot Braswell's "Classic Rock Show." Ray Freeman's popular call-in program, "Border Crossings," will be broadcast Monday thru Friday.)

Ich finde, es ist eine wunderbare Alternative zu den deutschen, mit Plastik-Schrott durchzogenen Hitwellen.
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