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Just for fun: Real live Radio

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> Just keep in mind this was on live radio.
> On the morning show at WBAM FM in Chicago, IL they play
> a game and ask people if they are married or in a serious
> relationship. If yes then this person is asked 3 very personal
> questions (that vary from couple to couple) and asked for their
> significant other's name and work phone number. If the significant
> other answers correctly, then they are winners.
> This particular day (12-9-98) it got interesting:
> DJ: HEY! This is Edgar on WBAM. Do you know "Mate Match"?
> Contestant: (laughing) Yes I do.
> DJ: What is your name? First name only please.
> Contestant: Brian.
> DJ: Are you married or what Brian?
> Brian: Yes.
> DJ: "Yes"? Does this mean your are "married"? or what?, Brian?
> Brian: (laughing nervously) Yes I am married.
> DJ: Thank you, Brian. OK, now, what is your wife's name? First only
> please, Brian.
> Brian: Sara.
> DJ: Is Sara at work Brian?
> Brian: She is gonna kill me.
> DJ: Stay with me here Brian! Is she at work?
> Brian: (laughing) Yes she is.
> DJ: All right then, first question: When was the last time you had
> Brian: She is gonna kill me.
> DJ: BRIAN! Stay with me here man.
> Brian: About 8 O'clock this morning.
> DJ: Atta boy.
> Brian: (laughing sheepishly) Well...
> DJ: Number 2: How long did it last?
> Brian: About 10 minutes.
> DJ: Wow! You really want that trip huh? No one would ever have said
that if it
> there weren't a trip at stake.
> Brian: Yeah, it would be really nice.
> DJ: OK. Final question: Where was it that you had sex at 8 this
> Brian: (laughing hard) I ummmmm...
> DJ: This sounds good Brian; where was it?
> Brian: Not that it was all that great, just that her mom is staying
with us
> for a couple of weeks and she was taking a shower at the time.
> DJ: Ooooooh, sneaky boy!
> Brian: On the kitchen table.
> DJ: "Not that great"? That is more adventurous than the last hundred
times I
> have done it. Anyway, (to audience) I will put Brian on hold, get his
> work number and call her up. You listen to this.
> (Advertisements)
> DJ: (to audience) Let's call Sara, shall we?
> (touch tones ...*ringing*)
> Clerk: Kinko's.
> DJ: Hey, is Sara around there somewhere?
> Clerk: This is she.
> DJ: Sara, this is Edgar with WBAM. I have beenspeaking with Brian for
a couple
> of hours now...
> Sara: (laughing) A couple of hours?
> DJ: Well, awhile anyway. He is also on the line with us. Brian knows
not to
> give away any answers or you lose, soooooooo, do you know the rules of
> Match"?
> Sara: No.
> DJ: Good.
> Brian: (laughing)
> Sara: (laughing) Brian, what the hell are you up to?
> Brian: (laughing) Just answer his questions honestly, OK?
> Sara: Oh, Brian.
> DJ: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sara I will now ask you 3 questions and if you
> exactly what Brian has said, then the 2 of you are off to Orlando,
Florida at
> our expense. This does include tickets to Disney World and Sea World.
> Sara: All right.
> Brian: (laughing)
> DJ: All right, when did you have sex last Sara?
> Sara: Oh God, Brian..this morning before Brian went to work.
> DJ: What time?
> Sara: About 8, I think.
> (sound effect) DING DING DING
> DJ: Very good. Next question: How long did it last?
> Sara: 12 ... 15 minutes maybe.
> DJ: hhmmmmm
> Background voice in studio: That's close enough. I am sure she is
trying not
> to harm his manhood.
> DJ: Well, we will give you that one. Last question: Where did you do
> Sara: OH MY GOD, BRIAN! You did not tell them did you?!?!
> Brian: Just tell him honey.
> DJ: What is bothering you so much Sara?
> Sara: Well, it's just ... just that my mom is vacationing with us
> DJ: SHE SAW?!?!
> Sara: BRIAN?!?!
> Brian: NO, no she didn't.
> DJ: Ease up there sister. Just messin' with your head. Your answer?
> Sara: Dear Lord..I cannot believe you told them this.
> Brian: Come on honey it's for a trip to Florida.
> DJ: Let's go Sara we ain't got all day. Where did you do it?
> Sara: In the ass.
> (long pause)
> DJ: We will be right back.
> (advertisements)
> DJ: I am sorry for that ladies and gentlemen. This is live radio and
> things do happen. Anyway, Brian and Sara are off to lovely Orlando,
hö höhö hihihi hehe hahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!

stellt euch das mal bei uns in deutschland vor:

guten morgen! hier ist shitradio haumichblau. darf ich dir 3 fragen zu eurem sexualleben stellen?

bis wieviel uhr müsste das denn gesendet werden? der jugendschutz macht ja alles kaputt hier :D :D
Das Spielchen gibt's früh bei NRJ Sachsen. Und bestimmt nicht nur da, vermutet die Jasemine.

PS: Die Pointe aus dem angeblichen Livetalk oben gab's übrigens auch im Film "Confessions of a dangerous Mind" von 2002
Sorry, aber diese Story gibt es seit Jahren und mit vielen verschiedenen Station-Calls und DJ-Namen. Sicher vorstellbar, ich halte´s trotzdem für eine gelungene Ente.
Original geschrieben von Rösselmann
Sorry, aber diese Story gibt es seit Jahren und mit vielen verschiedenen Station-Calls und DJ-Namen. Sicher vorstellbar, ich halte´s trotzdem für eine gelungene Ente.


Es ist ein Urban Legend.

Jedoch ist es in der ARD wirklich passiert und zwar in der live Show: Flitterabend mit Michael SChanze.

Da konnte man wirklich nichts vorbereiten.
Der Frau war das massiv peinlich als sie sich verplauderte.
Egal, ob alt oder gefaked,

ich habe laaaaange...
nicht mehr so gelacht wie gerade, wirklich klasse.

Ich habe immer noch Tränen in den Augen.
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