Hier die aktuelle Pressemitteilung von Clear Channel:
"Clear Channel Radio CFO Jerry Kersting announced today that approximately 150 stations discontinued streaming as of the first of the year. According to Kersting, the decision to stream Clear Channel Radio stations on the internet became a local market decision in 2003. "The economics of streaming are different for each station and market," Kersting said. "We believe that local management should decide whether or not streaming has value, and make the decision accordingly."
Clear Channel had previously supported its streaming effort through a corporate initiative. However, as streaming economics continue to evolve the company moved the decision - and economic impact - of streaming to the local market. "As the picture continues to get clearer on the costs and rights fees associated with streaming, it is far more efficient for each station to determine the value of offering the internet stream to its listeners," added Brian Parsons, VP Technology for Clear Channel Radio Interactive. "We plan to help the local markets develop new revenue sources to support streaming. In the interim, however, many managers have elected to stop streaming until the economics become more favorable."